Image used for representational purposes only.
Image used for representational purposes only. (Photo | AP)

Skulls’ exhibition at Kerala Global Science Fest garners attention

Express News Service

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : The exhibition of six skulls that was lined up at the fossil’s pavilion of the Global Science Festival Kerala (GSFK) at Bio 360 Life Science Park, Thonnakkal, garnered attention from the visitors.

The skulls were displayed in order of evolutionary process, following the female gorilla skull, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal, and Homo sapiens to help one understand the changes in the brain, eyes, and jaw during various periods of evolution.

GSFK volunteers will also be giving an explanation on the story of evolution to the visitors. The pavilion explains what fossils are and its importance. It also explains the methods used in palaeontology, the study of fossils.

Visitors can also understand in detail about 99% of the species that have existed on earth but are extinct now from this pavilion. This sequence of extinctions, from the Devonian Extinction 365 million years ago to the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction 201 million years ago, will be explained here. The fossil’s pavilion also tells visitors many stories about the earth’s past and the fossils that connect the planet’s distant past and present.

The GSFK is being jointly organised by the Science and Technology Environment Council under the state government’s Department of Science and Technology, and Amuseum ArtScience.

One-day workshop to be held today

A one-day workshop on ‘Implementing Scientific Methods in Teaching and Learning Science’ will be held under the leadership of ‘Breakthrough Science Society’ as part of the Global Science Festival Kerala discussion and debate programmes. It will be held from 9.30am to 4.30pm for high school and higher secondary level science teachers, students, research students, and those working for the promotion of science. Prof Umesh R Kathane, from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, and Prof Kana M Sureshan from IISER, Thiruvananthapuram, will lead the workshop.