
Arjuna Awardee ace archer Vennam Surekha donates Rs 5 lakh to soldiers

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VIJAYAWADA: Ace archer Vennam Jyothi Surekha who received a cash prize of Rs 5 lakh along with her Arjuna Award has decided to donate the entire amount to the soldiers’ welfare fund. 
Surekha who was in New Delhi on Thursday to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that she will donate the sum “as part of my responsibility towards the nation”. 

‘’I have faced several financial problems in my career and have been helped by several people. Now it is my turn. I am donating the amount received as cash prize to the soldiers of our country,” Jyothi Surekha told TNIE.  However, Surekha could not meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi due to his busy schedule. She wanted to hand over the check to the Prime Minister.