
12th century Nandi idol damaged at Siva temple

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VIJAYAWADA: A few unidentified miscreants damaged a portion of Nandi idol at historic Kasi Visweswara Swamy temple at Makkapeta village in Vatasvayi mandal of Krishna district late Wednesday night. The incident came to light on Thursday morning, when the priest opened the temple doors. 

Nandi idol partially damaged at Kasi
Visweswara Swamy temple I Express

“I came to the temple for performing daily rituals and found the temple doors partially opened. I immediately alerted the former chairman of the temple and others. Later, I verified if any ornament or other valuables were lost, but to my horror I found that the idol of Nandi was damaged,” temple priest said. 

Following the complaint from the temple management, police rushed to the spot and started investigation. Vastavayi SI SLR Someswara Rao, who registered a case under Section 427, 457 and 153 clause (a) of CrPC, said that the temple doesn’t have CCTV cameras, so they have launched a probe based on the statements gathered from the temple priest and authorities. 

It is said that in 12th century AD, Kakatiya rulers had installed the idol of Veerabhadra Swamy in the temple.