
Claims of social boycott false, say Vijayawada police

Express News Service

VIJAYAWADA: Alleging that caste leaders banned from attending family functions and other religious events, six women from Vaagu Centre in Kothapet approached police on Monday seeking justice. After they lodged a complaint, Vijayawada Police Commissioner Bathini Sreenivasulu instructed Two Town Circle Inspector DKN Mohan Reddy to conduct an inquiry and resolve the issue. In her complaint, Mariyamma (30) told the police that they belong to Bhatrajulu community and eke out a living by selling second-hand clothes at One Town. 

She alleged that one Rachakonda Sreenivasulu (head of the community) banned them from attending family functions for not bowing down to his whims and fancies. She claimed that Sreenivasulu created troubles and harassed them demanding Rs 50,000 to continue their membership in the community association. When they refused to pay, they were banished, the women alleged. 

However, their claims proved to be false when CI Mohan and other officials visited the locality and enquired about the incident. A team of officials conducted a meeting with both the parties on Monday evening. In the inquiry, police were told that the six women were living separately from their husbands and families and faced the wrath of the association when Mariyamma’s alleged boyfriend created nuisance in a wedding function held recently. 

When the issue came up for discussion in the community, Mariyamma’s behaved in a highly objectionable manner. Following which, the elders told her not to bring a bad name to the community. “When we told them to mend their ways, they have spread rumours about the association and levelled baseless charges against Sreenivasulu that he demanded Rs 50,000 from them. We tried to bring a change in their behaviour, but in vain,” the community elders told the police. Meanwhile, the complainant Mariyamma too changed her version and told the police that she lodged a complaint as she wanted to put an end to the monarchic rule of the association.