
Expert Advice to Chart Your Future

Prof RSS Mani

How can I migrate from a sales job to an administrative one? I have five years of sales experience but I am bored now. Please advise.

A sales job can be very challenging yet demanding as you are always on your feet. An administrative job too can be demanding though it is usually a desk job. I would advise you to make this transition smoothly. Seek a role in a desk-based sales job such as market research or sales coordination to begin with. Subsequently, you could move on to administrative jobs such as housekeeping, purchase, travel desk, HR administration, to name a few. It may be useful to do a short term diploma in administration to equip you better.

What are the advantages of joining a coaching class for CAT preparation?

A coaching class helps you get maximum practice to crack competitive exams. They teach you tips and tricks on how to score marks and also not to lose marks. As the faculty comprises experts, they can guide you through your preparations in a systematic and professional manner. Since you attend classes with a group of MBA aspirants, there is healthy competition that helps you learn from each other and score even better. Besides the mock group discussion and interview practice sessions too could be most useful for your preparation.