
Expert advice to chart your future

Rss Mani

Sir, I have done Bsc in Horticulture and after that I was doing Agribusiness management but after a year, I got a job with the state government as an Assistant Horticulture Officer. So, I discontinued my post graduation but now as I am not satisfied with my job and I have started hating  it. Should I continue my post graduation? Are there any better opportunities for a job in this line?

Incase you have reached the unfortunate situation of hating your job, then the best option is to look out for an alternative career. An MBA in Agribusiness management is a good option and can give you good job prospects in the food industry, agriculture industry and even the hotel industry. You need to decide in which area you wish to do your doctorate and then plan accordingly. The doctorate could be in the technical area or even the management area after you complete your masters.

My daughter is in 12th standard. She has taken pure science group. She wants to do research in medical field. Please suggest any course except the usual MBBS

Since you daughter wishes to go in for research in medical field, she must first complete her graduation, then follow it up with a post graduation and then register for a doctorate. Some of her options include pharmacy, biotechnology, microbiology, genetics and so on. She has to decide now so that she can then progress in an appropriate area of study over  the next 6-8 years.

Professor RSS Mani is an eminent career counsellor and currently VP, Institutional Development at ITM Group of Institutions. Write to him at queries.edex@ newindianexpress.com