
Robert Downey Jr. Pardoned for Drug Conviction


MELBOURNE: This Christmas Robert Downey Jr. has received a pardon for his drug offences by the Californian Governer, effectively wiping clean his record.

Jerry Brown pardoned the 50-year-old actor for his nearly 20-year-old felony of drug conviction that sent him to jail for nearly a year, reports News.com.au.

Brown’s office recently announced that Downey was among 91 people granted pardons for criminal convictions after demonstrating they had rehabilitated themselves.

While the pardon does not erase records of a conviction, it does restore voting rights and is a public proclamation that the person has remained out of trouble and demonstrated exemplary behavior.

Downey, who was once a courthouse mainstay for a series of drug-related arrests, has become perhaps Hollywood’s greatest success story for career and addiction rehabilitation.