
Priyanka Chopra celebrates Holi with Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show

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Priyanka Chopra was hit by a bout of homesickness as Holi rolled around while she was in the United States shooting for her TV show 'Quantico'.

However, Priyanka made sure she spread cheer and colour despite being so far from home.

The actress was supposed to make an appearance on the 'Tonight Show by Jimmy Fallon', along with the lead actress of the mega-successful TV series 'Westworld', Evan Rachel Wood.

She brought in colours and engaged in a quick Holi celebration with the host Jimmy Fallon. Fallon has hosted Priyanka Chopra on his talk show before as well. The last time, they had a rather aggressive race to see who would finish off a plate of chicken wings first, which was won quite impressively by Priyanka.

The Holi special episode of Priyanka Chopra on Jimmy Fallon's show will air tonight.

The 'Quantico' star later shared pictures of Holi celebrations on her Instagram account with her team in the US.

On the work front, her Hollywood movie debut 'Baywatch' will release soon. The movie also stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron.