
I am Blessed to be a Woman, Says Taapsee

Bollywood News Service

What are your thoughts about being a woman?

It’s like the biggest challenge thrown at anyone but if you know how to work it, then, it’s almost like a blessing. As a child, I cribbed about being a girl because I saw boys being allowed to spend more time outside the house while I had a deadline. Today, I know if there is anyone who can multitask best, it is a woman. I agree I am a feminist but not one of those who fight for reservations. I just ask for equality, and then we need no reserved seats for anything.

So you are a feminist?

I am a feminist but not an extremist. I believe in equal treatment of all people and not favouring women over men. That’s because I believe we all deserve equal opportunity.

What are your strengths?

My confidence in myself and the people close to my life who have kept me grounded in midst of glamour have reaffirmed my belief in myself.

What is your biggest advantage over men, if any?

We might have been born slightly physically weaker but God compensated it with the extra mental strength. 

A woman’s strength is best tested in adversity. Comment.

I agree. Only when is she in hot waters do you see her true strength.

Can you stand up and face a crisis?

Do I have an option? I have to be responsible enough to stand up in any crisis and this is regardless of being a man or woman as handling crisis is more about maturity and not about gender.

How do you deal with men who ogle at you?

Well, in my profession, I would get concerned when they don’t ogle at me. But yes, it does irritate me when they try to cross their limits by saying nasty and disrespectful things about a woman.

Do you like to celebrate the female gender? If yes, then how?

Every single day is a celebration for me if I really enjoy being a female. I love to dress up well and at the same time, surprise people I meet with a sensible conversation.

Do you think a woman needs a man to complete her?

I think both need each other. Relationship is all about breaking down the shackles of ego to wake up and realise that we need each other.

Who have been your idols and why?

I have looked up to many women at different situations in life but never had one particular woman to idolise. Because I always had the fear of ending up emulating her which might make me forget myself somewhere.