
I'm No Terrorist: Sanjay Dutt Walks to Freedom on a Surreal Day

Deepthi MS

Sunjay Dutt emerged from the Yerawada Central Jail just past 8.25 am today. And then, with a nifty bit of PR, he ensure that there are no more bad boy questions asked of him in his new life after prison.

Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a navy blue shirt, with a green file and a visibly heavy khadi bag slung from his shoulder, the actor stepped out of prison and did the released prisoner's regulation blink in the sunlight of freedom. And then, as the phalanx of photographers flashed away, he paused in his stride, dropped his bag to the ground, bent down to touch the earth and turned around to face his jailers.

Now what?

Dutt did a smart click of his heels and saluted the Tricolour atop the prison building.

How about that for a prodigal son trying to win back the affections of a hurt nation?

A hectic day of happiness, remorse and obeisance followed, as the actor convicted for toying with dangerous weapons during the Mumbai serial blasts of 1993 went home to Mumbai, visited the Siddi Vinayak temple and submitted himself to the media.

He rounded off a memorable day with a final entreaty to the media, and by extension to the whole country: "Please don't describe me as a terrorist. I was not convicted in terror cases. I was convicted under the Arms Act."

It was a happy jamboree that waited at the gates of Yerawada to receive the actor back into society after a prison term of 42 months. Wife of eight years Maanyata Dutt was there and so was hhis close friend and writer of the Munnabhhai movies, Rajkumar Hirani. So were thousands of fans, cheering.

Happiness was writ large on Dutt's face as he waved to the swarming crowd. "I am out here because of their [fans'] support. There is no easy walk to freedom, my friends," he said, in the few remarks that could be heard over the cacophony.

While Maanyata stuck to her hunsband's side, Hirani had his own team out there recording the entire episode. The director is to make a biopic on Sanjay Dutt and what better way to get actuality footage!

Forgotten for the moment were the controversies about the generous paroles granted the celebrity during his 42 months in the clink. There was palpable relief on his and his family's face that he was truly free now, having served time, after 23 years in the shadow of his felony of 1993.

Dutt's schedule after his release seemed to have been planned to the minute: a flight to Mumbai and a straight drive over to the Siddhi Vinayak temple at Prabhadevi for a benediction from Lord Vinaya and then a visit to Baba Kabrastan where the grave of his mother, the late actress Nargis Dutt, is located.

All the while that Dutt was at large in his home town, a festive atmosphere built up near his residence Imperial Heights in suburban Bandra. There was festoonery across the portals and a photo of his father, the late Sunil Dutt, was put up at the gate of the building, along with a message that read, "Dutt Sahab Amar Rahe".

Hoardings screaming "Welcome Back Sanju Baba", "Bandraites Welcome Back Bandra Boy" with a picture of young Dutt with his mother were put up in the locality.

Away from the residence, the celebration was no less entjhusiastic. One eatery, Noor Mohammadi Hotel in south Mumbai ladled out a free meal of 'Chicken Sanju Baba' apart from 50% off on all else. Another restaurant in Bandra served up a specially created item 'Bhai-Baba Chal Mere Bhai'. One autorickshaw driver, Sandeep Bachche, offered free rides in Bandra.

After an hour's respite inside his home, the 56-year-old actor presented himself to the press, looking rather cool in a pigtail and a stubbly beard. With Maanyata right behind him, Dutt calmly answered questions -- at least those audible to him above the din of photographers calling out to each other to get out of the way.

The visibly emotional actor said he missed his father this day. "I miss my father a lot today. For 23 years I wanted to be a free man, and finally the day has come," he said.

Asked what he would do with his prison wages, he replied, "Like a good husband, I'll give all the money to my wife."

Then the children were brought along for a frenetic photo op. Shahraan and Iqra cuddled up to Daddy in his lap, and Maanyata snuggled into the family frame.

Asked what was the first thing he did after getting back home, Dutt said, "I had homemade tea."

As the actor said, it was a surreal day. "It's yet to sink in," said Sanjay. 'I'm free now and I belong to this nation. I will live here and I will die here."