Actor Rishi in 'Ramana Avatara' movie
Actor Rishi in 'Ramana Avatara' movie  

I never felt pressured to follow a particular trend says Rishi

A Sharadhaa

BENGALURU: When it comes to actor Rishi, we often drift back to his debut in 'Operation Alamelamma', a film that introduced us to fresh talent in Kannada cinema. This actor later showcased his brilliance in 'Kavaludaari', where he played a traffic cop, and a couple of other films. Yet Rishi is someone who believes in the proverbial ‘slow and steady wins the race’ mantra. “I don’t mind taking things slowly,” he asserts. “For me, what matters most is being fully convinced and excited about my projects.”

Rishi, who received a warm welcome for his unique roles, whether it be in Suni’s 'Operation Alamelamma' or in 'Kavaludaari', has never felt compelled to adhere to a specific genre or trend. “While I gained confidence from my debut, I never felt pressured to follow a particular trend,” he explains. “I believe audiences are craving light-hearted entertainment more than ever, and that is what influences my choices, including 'Ramana Avatara',” says Rishi as he shares his insights on this journey. “Although the making of 'Ramana Avatara', which draws inspiration from the Ramayana, took longer than expected, I go by the ‘all’s well that ends well’ notion, and the result of the film justifies the effort. I’m eager to see how today’s audience resonates with its themes.”

When asked about the relevance of the Ramayana in today’s context, Rishi contemplates its timeless traits. “Lord Rama continues to inspire us,” he muses. “In today’s stressful times, his ability to handle pressure is a sign of his wisdom. Through the film, we aim to explore not only stress management but also themes of resilience and the ecosystem. Stress is an inherent part of life; our innate ambition pushes us forward, yet it also fuels our greed. Rama’s ability to navigate situations with grace serves as a timeless example,” he says.

Rishi, known for his willingness to experiment with diverse subjects and collaborate with new directors, explains his approach. “While some may view it as risky, I see it as a calculated move,” he asserts. “I choose to work with directors whom I trust and who demonstrate capability. If directors like Suni or Hemanth M Rao didn’t have faith in me, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to work with them. So, when I see someone capable, I would like to back them. Working with Vikas Pampapathi for 'Ramana Avatara', I knew he is capable, and people management was equally important, which is handled very strongly,” he signs off.

'Ramana Avatara' is slated for a May 10 release.