
A Love Story that Gets it Wrong

A Sharadhaa

BENGALURU: Kumar Datt seems to have got all his calculations wrong with Eradondla Mooru (2X3). First, he thought a triangular love story could click. So he got Chandan Kumar, Shweta Pandit and Shobitha. Made one character fall madly in love, put a hole in someone’s heart and then took another character’s eyesight away. Then he felt like covering the entire gamut of  emotions but grew tired by the time he reached midway. He then thought of making assertions that can be proved true by using the rules of logic much like a mathematical theorem. But unfortunately, he seems to have mastered only the math of imperfection.

His trigonometric road trip completely runs on dialogues between the main characters Prem, Sneha and Preethi - who makes an on and off appearance. The debacle revolves around Prem, who meets Sneha, an orphan and a theatre personality. He tells her about his love for her friend Preethi, a music teacher, whom he often spots in front of his house. She reveals that her friend is engaged, but there is a problem with the marriage because she has a hole in her heart. But Prem seems to be too much in love and does not mind having Preethi’s affections even for a day. But Sneha takes him along with her to Sagar on the pretext of convincing Preethi’s fiance for marriage. While doing so, she helps Prem get in touch with Preethi on the phone. Finally, her late entrance as a blind women tries to put a spark in  the proceedings.

Why did Sneha not reveal that Preethi was blind? Who is actually facing serious health issues and finally what is the fate of their love forms the rest of Eradondla Mooru.

Eradondla Mooru, which had a delayed release, fails its storyline with a bittersweet ending. Though Kumar has tried to be different from the regular mass masala flicks, he still falls into the familiar territory of  love stories done before. The story tries to roam unimaginatively around individuals, and does not evoke any emotions. The film falls completely short of the big picture when trying to explore the complex maze of friendship and love.

Chandan and Swetha Pandit have sincerely followed the director’s thoughts. Shobitha lacks expressions to play her part. Mitra’s role as a thief does not work. Naveen Kumar’s cinematography is static rather than a cinematic treat. AM Neel’s music does not enchant. Even with an introductory voiceover by Yogaraj Bhat, Kumara Datt’s experimental film Eradondla Mooru scores a minus.