
Angel review: A failed flight of fantasy

Palaparthi Srividya

Film: Angel
Cast: Naga Anvesh, Hebah Patel, Saptagiri, Pradeep Rawat
Director: Baahubali Palani

Nani (Naga Anvesh) is a happy-go-lucky crook, who takes up petty crime for easy money. He chances upon a parcel that he has to deliver to a superstitious businessman. Lost in the forest after a police chase, Nani and his sidekick Saptagiri spend the night there. Nani in drunken stupor showers praises on the idol that is inside the parcel and lo and behold, the idol comes to life as Nakshatra (Hebah Patel). Finding their parcel empty the next morning, they sell a decoy instead of the idol to the businessman. On their way back, they encounter Nakshatra wandering aimlessly and offer to drop her till Hyderabad.

She is encountered by bad guys who intend to rape her, but get engrossed in her story amd drop her off there. Nakshatra, Gandharva Raja’s daughter, was sent to Earth as an inanimate idol due to the curse of her father, who was angered by her wish to visit bhoolokam and experience humanity. Here’s the catch, she turns back to her original form when she’s happy and turns to an idol when she isn’t. Nakshatra’s awe about the world and Nani’s search for the idol makes for most of the movie afterwards.

While the idol and Nakshatra’s return to “Amaravati” seems like the main plot in the beginning , you will be hit with numerous more plot devices interfering and converging with this one. You’ll be introduced with a new sequence and characters before you completely wrap your head around the one that is already happening. There are more villains than otherwise in the film who flit in and out of the narrative aimlessly. It won’t be long before you’re left wondering “Where did this begin? Where is this going?”

The boorish comedy, the attempt to squeeze millions of ideas did not do much for the movie. The main plotline (inspired from Chandamama kathalu) had something to say, but the message was lost in the hotch-potch of comedy, fantasy, drama and action. There wasn’t much for the actors or technicians to show for themselves with all that was going on. The special-effects were merely cringe-worthy. This is a movie that you will forget about before you leave the theatre.