
Maaveeran Kittu : Another average entertainer

Malini Mannath

Set in the 80’s in a rural milieu, its about an activist who tries to bring respectability to his people, tormented and exploited by the upper cast. A love story is weaved in, between an upper caste girl and a youngster from the lower caste, which further fuels the distrust between the two groups. Though neatly scripted and the narration has a smooth flow for the most part,the script offers nothing new or exciting. It’s a scenario we are familiar with, the pace slow and leisurely.

In a village where caste and community clashes make headlines, Kittu a youngster who tops the state board exam gets his moment of fame. Mentored by activist Chinnarasu, Kittu as per the former’s wish, aspires to be a collector and do good to his people. But with opposition from the upper caste, who put hurdles in their way,its an uphill task for the mentor and his protege.

The director anage to lends a realistic touch to the proceedings in the earlier part. There is the love angle where Gomathi an upper caste girl drawn by Kittu’s noble helpful nature professes her love to him. There is the bad cop too, who does whatever a bad cop in a village has been doing in all earlier films. With Chinnarasu’s growing clout in the village, his tormentors decide to clip his wings. Its about how the two sides on a confrontation course and laying traps for each other, fare in the end.

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Director: Suseenthiran
Film: Maaveeran Kittu
Cast: Vishnu Vishal, Sridivya,
Parthiban,Harish Uthaman.

The second half crawls with nothing much happening. And forcing a couple of dream songs here only slackens the tempo further. To make up for the lack of pace, the narration has a few action seqeunces, as Kittu chased by his tormentors in the woods, turns into a one-man fighting machine.

The realisitic feel takes a beating too here! Kittu’s final move to solve the problem of his people, seems a convoluted and an uninspiring one. The missing youngster presumed to be killed under police torture in the lock up by the sadistic cop, had been seen by many later on and had even beaten up a few of his tormentors. So the futitlity of his final act stares one in the face.

Vishnu is adequate as Kittu who though drawn towards Gomathi, is reluctant to reciprocate her unabashed expression of love for him. Sridivya lends a wholesome appeal to the character of the feisty Gomathi. Parthiban essays the messiah of his people with cool sobriety. But the characters and situations they go through could have had more depth. An average entertainer, Maaveeran Kittu misses out on being the inspiring experience it could have been!