
AAA-2D  put on indefinite hold?

From our online archive

Filmmaker Adhik Ravichandran had told CE that the sequel to Anbanavan Asaradhavan Adangadhavan (AAA) would be released in a couple of months, but now, it looks like that may not happen, on account of the poor performance of the first film.

A source reveals, “Although half of the sequel has been shot already, the film can’t quite be released soon. Adhik is upset about the loss that AAA has incurred, and he may work on some other project.”

Also, we hear that the team hasn’t settled payments to a few artistes yet. The source adds, “Initially, the makers didn’t plan on a sequel, and it was something that was decided while filming.

If part 2 is on, artistes will have to be paid separately. The producers are not really in a situation to do that. The sequel has to take off eventually, because they would want to compensate the loss. But currently, the project is on hold.” 

It’s not yet known if the sequel will have all the actors who were in part 1. Unconfirmed sources hint that Sana Khan, who was signed for the sequel, may not be a part of it. However, official confirmation is awaited. We tried contacting Adhik and the producer S. Michael Rayappan; both were unavailable for comments.