Stills from the series
Stills from the series 

'Killer Soup': Dishing out a flavourful offering

Monika Monalisa

BENGALURU : Rajeev Ravindranathan recalls the brief he first got for his character DSP Udaya Reddy in Killer Soup. DSP Uday has a face made for frowning.’ And now, his frown in the series is unmissable.

The series, which stars actors like Manoj Bajpayee, Konkana Sen-Sharma, Nassar, and Sayaji Shinde, has helped him tick off some personal goals from his checklist, one of them being working with actors he had always wanted to. “There was no way I would have missed being in a thriller dark comedy,” says Ravindranathan.

The show has mostly garnered postive reviews, but Ravindranathan best describes it as an ‘acquired taste’. “Abhishek (Chaubey) has done the script in such a way that it is like a bowl of soup. It has all kinds of ingredients and flavours. Just like some love the Hyderabadi biryani, while others hate it and can’t eat it owing to its excess spice levels... It has so many ingredients and you can see them changing as the story cooks,” he explains.

Playing a cop in this series, most of his scenes were with Nassar. The actor shares that his interaction and the scene between both of them is very dramatic. “In the first scene with Nassar, I yell at him. I have idolised him as an actor for years. We’re all here to do a job, characters are all in theory but it feels different when you’re doing a scene like that with those who you have secretly idolised for years,” says Ravindranathan with a nervous laugh.

He further adds, “So the previous night while he was sitting for dinner, I went up to him and said, ‘I apologise in advance.’ He was quite shocked because it’s weird to introduce yourself like that. But when I explained myself, he started laughing about it and invited me for dinner.”

This incident broke the ice between the two actors, who started improvising their scenes after. “Abhishek also secretly started enjoying and looking forward to what’s coming next,” says Ravindranathan.

Apart from Nassar, Ravindranathan makes a special mention of Sen Sharma. “During the shoot, I realised she’s very committed to her work,” says Ravindranathan for whom working in the film was like working with friends. “Any dish has several ingredients. With many of the actors being my friends, it made it extra special,” he says.