
Brazilian cowboys celebrate harvest with annual Ox Cart Festival

Associated Press
A cowboy takes cover from the sun under an umbrella as he drives his ox car. ( Photo | AP)
A cowboy takes cover from the sun under an umbrella as he drives his ox car. ( Photo | AP)
Ox carts trundle to the Serra da Boa Vista. Most carts are pulled by a team of 12 oxen, with 86 ox carts participating in this year's festival. ( Photo | AP)
Farmers in the region use the corn harvest period in July to revive the tradition of traveling hundreds of miles in their ox carts. A cowboy drives his team of oxen, before the ascent to the Serra da Boa Vista, during the Ox Cart Festival in Vazante, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. ( Photo | AP)
A cowboy rears up his horse before the ascent to the Serra da Boa Vista, during the Festival. ( Photo | AP)
'Dionisio of the Accordion,' plays during the dance at the camp, the night before the ascent to the Serra da Boa Vista. ( Photo | AP)
A cowgirl puts on her boots at sunrise, before the ascent to the Serra da Boa Vista. ( Photo | AP)
The shadow of a cowboy is projected on his ox The ox carts will travel 20 km. ( Photo | AP)