Good News

Chennai cop plays Good Samaritan for destitute pregnant woman, finds shelter for her

Sahaya Novinston Lobo

CHENNAI: We often hear the phrase ‘Kaavalthurai Ungal Nanban’ (police is your friend), but for a 27-year-old pregnant woman who was abandoned by her family, inspector Rajeshwari is not just a friend, but family.

About a month ago the woman’s parents, husband and brothers abandoned her. An autorickshaw driver who knew about inspector Rajeshwari’s social service works took the woman to the police station for safety. Now she gave birth to a boy and the inspector has helped her start a new life.

The woman who fell in love got married about a year ago. While her parents were against the marriage, the man abandoned her when she became pregnant.

“Her husband dropped her off near Manali, a few km away from her parents’ house. When she knocked on the doors, her brothers picked up a quarrel saying how she could she leave her husband especially when she is pregnant,” said inspector Rajeshwari from T Nagar AWPS police station. Her plight fell on deaf ears and she was left to fend for herself. With no money or shelter, the woman was roaming the street when an autorickshaw driver saw her and informed inspector Rajeshwari. “I told her I’ll take care of her needs and she can stay in a home,” said Rajeshwari.

The woman was lodged in Surabi home for destitute women in Kelly’s. About a month ago, she gave birth to a boy at the Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital. “The woman gave me the honour of naming her child. On Wednesday, an event was organised where residents of the home and others participated,” said the inspector.

The child was named ‘Barani’. Initially the woman had asked to return to her family but once she understood they are still not in a place to accept her, the inspector has found her a small job. The woman can stay in the home for another six months, said Rajeshwari.