Good News

Garden of seeds and success 

MVK Sastry

NIZAMABAD: Sunita Ambadas Chafle, a resident of Pimpalgaon village in Mauda Taluk of Nagapur district in Maharashtra, is cultivating a variety of vegetable seeds in her kitchen garden not only to sustain her family but also to actively promote organic farming within her community.

Narrating her story at a mela organised by the Sai Vegetables and Fruits Growers Mutually Aided Cooperative Society in Nizamabad, Sunita said that her journey started by sourcing 42 different vegetables and leafy green seeds from her native village. She then established a thriving garden at her home. 

Each year, her garden yields three to four harvests, providing over 60 kilograms of various vegetables, which she sells within her local neighbourhoods. Additionally, she markets these seeds during special meals. Over the past two years, she actively participated in three such events, passionately advocating for the importance of organic seeds. Sunita expressed how consumers are increasingly recognising the value of organic produce, willingly investing in these items. 

Sunita Ambadas Chafle

Her home boasts two jujube fruit trees that, during the winter season, bear fruits she collects, employing organic preservation methods to create dried fruits for sale in the market. Despite studying only till Class 12 and lacking employment opportunities, Sunita found financial stability through her kitchen garden venture.

She emphasised the importance of choosing a profession to sustain a household, encouraging both men and women to find their niche. She particularly highlighted the potential for women to enhance their income by taking up responsibilities in educational institutions, asserting that organic products, though initially overlooked, gradually win over consumers for their quality.

During the mela, NABARD deputy general manager Deepthy Sunil commended Sunita’s efforts and encouraged women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to explore opportunities in producing food items utilising organic agricultural products. She highlighted the rising market demand for organic produce.

Kumara Swamy, convener of the All Indian Farm Producers Association, emphasised the increasing popularity of organic goods and referred to a young farmer from Kerala recognized by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for popularising various jackfruit by-products. Swamy underscored the significance of organic products in fostering a healthier society.