
How to take care of your liver during the party season

Dr Surya Bhagwati

HYDERABAD: Long work hours, stress and a fast paced lifestyle are characteristic of the urban go-getters that we see in the workforce today. With these kinds of lifestyles today’s modern consumers also have occasional nights where they need to let off “steam”. Whether it is an office night out, a birthday party or just a regular Saturday, a lot of recreational activities involve alcohol consumption.

While nights out are always fun, waking up the next morning with a splitting headache, grogginess and nausea is definitely not the best feeling. Hangovers are temporary but what most of us forget is that alcohol consumption causes liver damage too. Scientifically, when alcohol is consumed, it is converted into a toxic compound called acetaldehyde.

Acetaldehyde gets further converted into acetic acid, which in the short term causes nausea, vomiting and headache i.e. a hangover. In the longer term, the by products of alcohol cause liver lining corrosion which leads could lead to liver cirrhosis and possibly eventual liver failure.

We enjoy partying but we often forget how important the liver is for the functioning of the body.  According to Ayurveda, the human liver is governed by the Pitta dosha (made up from the elements of Fire and Water). The liver controls the ‘digestive fire’ of the human body.’ An imbalance in the liver is characterised by stomach issues, acidity and inflamed skin. (The writer is Ayurveda specialist at Dr. Vaidya’s: New Age Ayurveda)

Simple Ayurvedic tips to keep the liver healthy:
n Ensure that one drinks water during and after alcohol consumption to ensure replacement of electrolytes
n Using liver cleansing herbs like triphla, turmeric and neem after a night out
n Eat liver cleansing foods like avocado, beetroot, grapefruit and other leafy green vegetables
n Consume 2 LIVitup capsules before your first drink. Dr. Vaidya’s LIVitup is an Ayurvedic hangover cure that doubles up as a long-term liver protector. It ensures expulsion of acetaldehyde from the body and prevents the hangover in the short-term and liver damage.