
 Mystical landscapes 

Palak Dubey

HYDERABAD: The series of works by artist SK Redon titled, ‘Soul Trek’ was an amalgam of surreal images. The concrete/stoic yet flowing play of textures makes for a very rich surface. The landscapes are completely devoid of human presence and thus the occasional images of flying birds enlivens the surface. 

The moment depicted seems to be in the process of mutating and on the verge of changing its dimensions. At times these visual interpretations explore an enlarged version of a small, intricate section from nature and at other times they imbibe into their entity the magnanimously sublime, vastly spread out landscapes.

An unreal, interesting blend or mixing of the terrains, the sky, earth, water body, horizon etc. gives an abstract aspect to the works. The colour palette is kept subdued and seems to be in the process of reaching or brightening into a fresh hue.

The artist prefers to work with plenty of pastel shades and tints. 
There is a weightless fleeting essence to the works that spreads throughout the space unanimously. This grants the works a common emotion or spiritual stance. At times they seem to reflect the sub conscious, innate journey of the artist, an introspective and immensely personal rendezvous of seeking the’ self’ through nature.

These landscapes are apparently mystical and manifest the sublime, divine strengths of nature that are over powering and dwarf off the human existence.

These vast, huge, gigantic mountains emanate a mature, serious understanding of the pictorial surface. The artist with an apparent affinity draws inspiration from the natural elements. And, yet he also excels in extending the periphery of his expression into personal connotation.

Texture plays an important role in these works. At times it appears rugged and granular and at other times smooth and flowing. A thin veil of movement prevails on the entire space, like a swiftly flowing zephyr. These paintings thus are a marvellous combination of solid as well as weightless aspects, the light and dark shades, fresh and gloomy, the emerging as well as getting weathered natural expanses.
The exhibition was on  till March 22