
Better body in 20 minutes?

Manju Latha Kalanidhi

HYDERABAD:If only I could just do away with these flabby arms for a day for the evening party... been working on these arms with weights but I guess, I have a long way to go... oh, my double chin is showing up prominently and I wish I could get rid of this... Admit it. Eight out of ten men and women have often said this aloud. While adequate physical exercise, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle is what should be at the core of our lives, small additions to look more confident and feel better is what everyone wants. Dr D Sudha Vani, a senior dermatologist and cosmetologist with 17 years of experience in the field, says that new technologies are here to help those who seek to look better. As part of an experiential, she introduces me to Alma Accent Prime, a non-invasive, new solution for face and body contouring and aesthetic enhancement at Sri Skin Clinic at Kimtee Colony, Banjara Hills.

What exactly is this technology: Accent Prime incorporates Ultrasound (US) and Radio Frequency (RF) in a variety of handpieces for deep tissue heating.  It emanates guided ultrasound waves for fast, homogenous selective lipolysis and circumferential reduction. “Using the power of combined technologies, Accent Prime offers treatments for facial and body contouring, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, skin rejuvenation. It is a non-invasive solution for face and body contouring and aesthetic enhancement,” Sudha says. The treatments target the subcutaneous fat – stubborn fat under the skin and above the muscle.

What does it mean to the common man:  In layman’s language, multiple sessions (typically between six to eight) at the clinic can help lose the double chin, have tighter arms, flatter tummy and a shapely waist.

Who needs it: Anyone who thinks they can do with a bit of cosmetic help to look and feel better. “Anyone can undergo this as there are no side-effects. The devices use radio frequency and lasers to do the needful,” Dr Sudha says.

How does it work: Typically, you meet the doctor and discuss what part of the body that needs correction. For example, you have a big day like a ramp walk or a photo shoot in a month or so, you can pkan how many sittings you need to get better arms, waist, chin, etc. Each session may last up to 40 minutes and one may need six to eight sessions for a visible difference. The treatment for each sitting starts at approximately `8,000.

Is it painful and tedious? I went through a 40-minute session on both my upper arms, with 20 minutes on each arm. The doctor and her team drew an outline of the skin that they need to work on using a coloured pencil. Then  I changed into a treatment gown and they asked me to lie with my hand pointing upwards, rested on a pillow. The Accent Prime machine looks like a small ATM machine with multiple knobs. The doctor and her associate apply petroleum jelly on the part and use a device that looks like an ironing machine with a flat round disc. They keep kneading the part that needs to be worked on, continuously in repeated circular motion. Dr Sudha told me the temperature of the device is around 40 degrees. She told me there would be a slight discomfort due to heat, but not intolerable. The doctor sets the timer for 12 or 15 minutes and starts working on the part and towards the 11th or 12th minute, and I could feel the heat. When I groaned, they stopped it for a minute and continued. After that, they used a similar device for another eight minutes. This felt the same too. By the end of 20 minutes, I did not feel any pain or discomfort, although I did feel my skin tighten a bit. I felt that I could unleash that funky cold shoulder top, my well-meaning friends told me that a few more sessions will show a visible difference.

Do’s and Don’ts: There are no do’s and don’ts. It is almost like walking into a salon and walking out. No diet or beverage restrictions, although Dr Sudha asked me to drink at least three litres of water during the whole day to flush out toxins. She also says it is not recommended for patients with BMI over 30.

My experience: As my focus area was arms, the discomfort was almost nil, although a facial procedure may feel different (slightly painful too perhaps), if heat of the same intensity is used. I am also told that the results are more evident on the face because of the texture of the skin. Those with poor heat or pain threshold may want to take frequent breaks. Also, tummy reduction may take more sittings.

 — Manju Latha Kalanidhi