
Book time slots online for property registration!

S Bachan Jeet Singh

HYDERABAD: The oneline booking of time slots for registration of immovable property will mostly likely become a reality in Telangana from October. The stamps and registration department is developing a software for the purpose. People can book slots for property registration one day in advance.

According to officials, there are 141 sub-registrar’s offices in the State. Being similar to the Passport Seva and Regional Transport Authority portals, the proposed system will make the property registration process easier.

“Property owners can book a slot at any of the sub-registrar’s offices (SROs) as per their convenience, obviating the need to stand in serpentine queues for their turn,” commissioner and inspector-general of registration and stamps  T.Chiranjeevulu told Express.

“The proposed system is expected to bring major relief to people, more particularly women as a large number of properties are registered in their names,” he said.

“Women come along with children and they have to often spend an entire day waiting at the SRO offices which are invariably crowded, especially in Greater Hyderabad and on its outskirts where large-scale property development is taking place,” the official added.

Moreover, online booking of time slots will check irregularities at the SRO offices, plug revenue leakages, ensure transparency, eliminate the role of middlemen and offer seamless services to people, the official said.