
Customise your immunity boosters

Tamanna S Mehdi

HYDERABAD :  As per the Ayurvedic Tridosha Theory, health issues are caused due to a vitiated state of doshas in your body, leading to disruptions in internal body mechanisms. The Indian immunity industry has witnessed a surge, as people are keen to prepare and strengthen themselves in the wake of the ongoing pandemic. 

At Vedix, a customised ayurvedic beauty and wellness company they have observed that Ayurveda can not only help in stabilising doshas, but also boost immunity and offer other health-related benefits. The Hyderabad-based company is making its foray into the customised immunity segment with three different detox and gut health supplements. They say they have 10K+ customers within the first month of their launch.

How does Ayurveda help in building immunity? 
Chaitanya Nallan, CEO, Vedix, says, “The Ayurvedic system of medicine is one of the oldest systems of medicine and includes various pharmacological activities such as immunostimulation, neurostimulation, anti-ageing, antibacterial action, etc.” Chaitanya, an alumni of IIT (Kharagpur) and International School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, adds: “The fundamental concept of Ayurveda is that everybody is born with a unique composition of the three doshas: vata, pitta, kapha which is called prakriti. The core idea is to bring the person’s current disturbed dosha levels back to their original prakriti. By doing so, they will achieve perfect health.”

Customised immunity range
Take the dosha questionnaire and based on responses a personalised regimen will be recommended. Post that you can select the various subscription options starting at `999 for one month (box contains a set of three products). Chaitanya explains, “Our unique analysis questionnaire assesses a person’s dosha profile. Based on the profile, we choose ingredients for detoxification and gut health. Based on their primary concerns, we pick the ingredients based on concepts of Rasayana.” With an aim to see more people embrace Ayurveda and appreciate the holistic nature of science, Chaitanya says, “Today, every individual needs to be in an optimum state of health. The last few months have made people realise the importance of preventive medicine.”

According to Ayurveda, good health is achieved through a three-step process

Toxins get accumulated in liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph and colon. 

Gut Health enhancement:
Once you detoxify, you need to improve your digestion and activate the intestinal flora so that you prepare the ground for the absorption of the rejuvenating nutrients that you consume. 

The right and appropriate ingredients are needed to rejuvenate based on the concerns you have, for eg, hair concerns, lung, skin, hair, heart, kidney, liver etc.

— Tamanna S Mehdi tamanna@newindianexpress.com  @tamannamehdi