
Not  scrap but art

Princy Alexander

KOCHI:  Scrap turns lively at the hands of the Thevara-based George Kuriakose. Ants, peacocks, trains, you name it George has an uncanny ability to make interesting art pieces. His cuckoo nest, created from used high-tension cables and thermographs has been exhibited in the World Wide Art Movement exhibition at the Durbar Hall Art Gallery in Kochi. George says he collects most of the scrap from the marine exports factory he works in, as the operations-in-charge.

“There are many dysfunctional and damaged compressors, cables, and pumps, which are part of the daily scrap. I have always been creative during my childhood but was never able to follow up on my passion. But this availability of material inspired me to work on my art again,” says George. 

George created his first work four years ago. “It was a train which I made by using a compressor, which had nearly deteriorated,” he said. “However, to me, it looked like a bogie. That is why I decided to make a train with the available scrap.” The bogie is 75 centimetres long. “Finding the material is easy, but to transform it into a piece of art that can be understood by the public takes time. My colleagues often find me doodling and thinking about how to create art during my free time,” he said.The public has given him good reviews, which is why he decided to exhibit his work. The officers at the company where he works have also been encouraging.