
Lesser battle royale, please!

Anusha Ganapathi

KOCHI: I have taken a personal resolve to play a little less of PUBG the coming year, and start with making a list of new games to play — a list with lesser Battle Royale and more imaginative fun.

Harry Potter 

Wizards Unite, the location-based Augmented reality version (The Pokemon Go version, in short) of our favourite book series is in the works and will probably release in 2019. The snappy new teaser of the game came out recently, encouraging non-muggles to enlist into the wizarding force immediately. 

Life is Strange 2, 
Episode 2

A sequel to the famous click-and-play adventure game is releasing in January 2019. If you haven’t heard about it, you can get all caught up with the free mobile version of Life is Strange — a game sure to capture your attention with the theme mysterious, eerie magic in the journey of a high-schooler who could change the lives of people around her. Life is Strange 2, however, is a completely new story set in a similar theme (the first episode released in September). Manifold Garden breaks boundaries of what we know as reality. The shortest description of what the game might be like is that it’s a multi-dimensional maze! The aim is to ‘cultivate gardens’ to uncover paths in an environment that defies physics. The game is all set to be the most unconventional puzzler of the new age. 

Age of Empires IV 
It’s been 12 long years, and the fans of the massively popular strategy game are looking forward to having their greatest wish answered this coming year. I mean, the game’s probably not going to release in 2019, but we’d all appreciate even just a little glimpse of it in E3. Based on the cryptic trailer that released in 2017, we can assume that the game won’t be restricted to a single era. Meanwhile, we’ll have to settle with playing the spin-offs of the earlier games...

To end this very exciting list, is a quirky game called ‘Ooblets’. A year where a single day without playing PUBG would made me sad needs to be followed up with a year filled with games like this non-violent, warm indie inspired by farming and Pokemon. Let’s free our consoles up for some comforting new games in 2019!