
Making a strong case for probiotic food in the daily diet

Neelanjana Singh

Although microbes have coexisted with us humans for time immemorial, it is only now that the connection between these bugs, their host and our health is coming to light. Fascinatingly, our gut has over 100 trillion microorganisms, which include at least 1,000 species of these bugs, all of which function like an organ in their own right.

The role of these microbes isn’t limited to our digestive health as was believed earlier. Back then, it may have sounded like the stuff of science fiction to say that microbes in our gut communicate with each other in ways that influence not just our immunity but also our behaviour and moods. Today, research indicates that manipulating these bugs in our gut could significantly aid the treatment of depression and lifestyle diseases like diabetes. 

With so much new information in this realm coming to light, there are bound to be many questions. In addition to the ones I answered last week, here are some other. For one, consumers want to know the difference between probiotic foods and probiotic drugs. As the name suggests, probiotic drugs are recommended by medical practitioners for the treatment of specific diseases. Typically, they are to be taken during or after a course of antibiotics or as adjuncts to the medical therapy for a limited period of time. 

Probiotic foods, on the other hand, are meant to be consumed over a long period of time and should ideally be a part of the daily diet. The objective of taking a probiotic food is to provide generalized health benefits like better immune function, improved digestion and gut health. Yet another common query is regarding the time period for which a probiotic food should be taken for it to make a difference. Keep in mind that probiotic foods are not a one-shot remedy by any stretch of imagination.

When we consume a probiotic food, a large number of the bacteria present in the product are passed out and only a small number of the probiotic bacteria is able to latch on and multiply within our gut. Therefore, it is important to take a probiotic preparation on a regular basis. 

A product acquires the probiotic label after being scientifically tested on various counts. For one, such a product contains millions of bacteria of particular strains that are resistant to the gastric juices in our system, and make it down the digestive tract in their live form to proliferate adequately and deliver the stated benefit. When buying a probiotic product, make sure to check the label for information on the type of microorganism it contains, the viable microorganisms per gram/ml of product, and the recommended conditions (temperature) for its storage.