
The story of superfoods

Surya Shastry

Over the years, our taste has changed. We now accept different ingredients that are healthy and deserve a place in the kitchen. Here are a few superfoods that must be included in your everyday diet:


Moringa, often referred to as the miracle tree or drumstick tree, is being used for centuries due to its medicinal properties. It has antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties and contains a variety of healthy compounds of proteins, vitamins and minerals, iron and zinc. It’s also helpful in losing weight. However, moringa is not advisable for pregnant women for consumption. 


Quinoa is awkward to pronounce but super nutritious and beneficial to health. This carb is protein-rich, full of dietary fibre and gluten-free. It is tasteless on its own, but delicious when you incorporate it into your diet in creative ways. It is used in making breakfast porridge. Quinoa can be added to salads, stews and soups,  buddha bowls and burger patties. 


Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with unique smell which helps in natural healing.  With various health benefits, it is one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Traditionally used to strengthen the immune system, it also helps reduce blood sugar level and is valued for its thyroid modulation, anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-inflam matory properties. 


Millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to the grass family. There are different types of millet such as pearl, finger, proso, and foxtail. Other local varieties include kodo, little, barnyard, fonio and teff. It provides more than 20 per cent of daily value of protein, fibre, Vitamin B, magnesium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. It’s highly beneficial in improving not only the look, but also the overall wellness. It also protects us against breast cancer. It is an excellent part of our diet and it can be replaced over rice, wheat, ragi and can be consumed as millet khichdi, biriyani and kheer.   

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk tastes delicious and is less expensive than other dairy alternatives like almond and soya milk. It’s luscious texture adds flavour to anything it is added to. Coconut milk goes well with desserts and brings a distinctive flavour to south Indian and Thai food.


Amla or Indian gooseberry is an excellent source of Vitamin C. It also helps fight the development of cancer cells. Regular consumption of amla juice helps in reducing cholesterol levels. Regular intake of amla leads to healthy and glowing skin and it is also known to improve eyesight, boosts the immune system and regulates blood sugar and lipids. The best way to include amla in your everyday diet is to consume it in the form of juice first thing in the morning. It can also be used as snacks in dried, fresh and raw form. 

(The author is MD of Phalada Pure & Sure Organic Cafe)