
This compound stretch helps in digestion

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CHENNAI : This translates as extended flipped side lateral angle posture. Utthita ‘Parivratta’ ParsavaKonasan is a ‘flipped’ variation of the yogasan we looked at last Thursday- UtthitaParsvaKonasan. Steps 1-3 remain the same as last week. This is a compound stretch as many muscle groups are involved. STEPS: Side step with your right leg to turn 90 degrees or jump with your feet apart by 4-5 feet. Swivel your right foot out clockwise to 90 degrees and your left foot the same way to about 30 degrees. Your right kneecap will be facing the direction of your right toes.

● Inhale and raise your arms up to the shoulder level palms down arms parallel to the floor. You can pause here for a few breathing cycles stretching your hands away from you at every exhalation.

● At the next possible exhalation bend the right knee taking care to keep the right knee joint directly above the right ankle. The right knee has a tendency to flop forward keep the right knee pulled back and directly above the right ankle by recruiting the thigh muscles. Keep the right thigh parallel to the floor. Keep the left leg straight.

● Next rotate your torso and get your left arm forward and continue rotating the upper body and bend forward angling your upper body towards the right till your left upper arm can be placed on the outside of the folded right knee. Your abdomen will feel twisted and contracted. Your left fingers and palm are to be placed on the outside of the right ankle. Left armpit is close to the right knee. Left shoulder is hooked, now with your right thigh push the left shoulder outward till both your shoulders are in one line. Next take the right arm forward in line with your right ear and look at your right fingers. Breathe normal for about a minute.

● Inhale and raise the left hand from the floor, come back to the center facing forward. Repeat steps 3 and 4 substituting left for right and repeat on the other side.

BENEFITS: This is a more intense stretch as it involves a twist. The abdominal twist helps with the digestion and elimination cycles. It rejuvenates the internal organs as well as the spine. The abdomen gets an active stretch where as the shoulder gets a passive/aided yet dynamic stretch. (AnshuVyas Seetharaman is a yoga and fitness trainer at Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru.)