
This asana will tone your abs, make your spine more flexible


CHENNAI: This translates as the bow pose. The torso and the thighs are curved like a bow and the arms and the lower legs act like the string pulling the bow into place. Just as one pulls at the string thus increasing the tensile strength of the bow to release the arrow with more velocity, the bending elbows pull at the torso and legs increasing the arch and perfecting the pose.

Lie down on the floor in prone position with your forehead on the mat, legs together and arms by the side. Next fold the legs bringing the feet close to the buttocks. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and reach your arms back and hold the ankles with the hands. Get a firm grip of the ankles with your thumb and fingers. Try to push your ankles away from the body. This action will pull at your arms and the shoulder joint. Some of you may just be able to do till this position. Continue breathing normal while you hold here.

Next inhale and lift your thighs and knees off the floor at the same time pushing your feet away while keeping the knees and thighs parallel. Your pelvis and lower abs will be off the floor and you will be balanced on your solar plexus. Your feet pushing away will pull the arms back and lift the chest and ribs off the floor. The arms will be poker straight. Hold and breathe normal. In the final position you may rock forward and back or roll from side-to-side or fold your elbow joint towards the ceiling to make the stretch more intense. The last position is more advanced and need biceps and forearm strength. 

The shoulder blades are squeezed together and the anterior and lateral deltoids, pectorals and triceps get a nice stretch. The lower abs, quadriceps as well as hip flexors and anterior tibialis get a good stretch when the knees are hauled up by the pulling action of the forearms. The entire posterior body gets contracted. This is good to tone the abdominal organs and makes the spine more elastic.

Anshu Vyas Seetharaman is a yoga and fitness trainer at Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru (110 Gangadhara Chetty Road, Ulsoor).