
Making Winter Pregnancy Enjoyable

Ghazal Alagh

With temperatures plummeting and chilly days ahead, take special care of yourself and the baby whom you are already nursing in your womb. Pregnancy suppresses your immune system and the cold season weakens it further making you more susceptible to cold, cough, itchy skin and rashes. But, don’t worry, following a few simple tips can make you enjoy your winter pregnancy too. 

Dress Right, Dress Comfortable: Layering up and keeping yourself warm and cosy is a must during winters. However, it is the super-sensitive and irritant-prone skin during pregnancy that becomes a concern. So, instead of woollens, wear cotton and soft cashmere clothing. Ditch those high-heeled boots as they can cause swelling in the feet, back pain and stretched muscles. Instead, go for a comfortable pair of shoes. 

Eat Well, Stay Hydrated: It is the time of the year when you want to indulge in sweet and fried delicacies. However, it will be simply adding empty calories. Instead, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables to boost immunity. Along with eating well, keep yourself well-hydrated. During pregnancy, it is essential to maintain the amniotic fluid level that surrounds the baby. Sipping something warm can also guard against allergens. You should have natural, herbal-based tea and soups aiding digestion and boosting immunity. 
Stay Active: Nobody thinks of exercising during winters and pregnancy.

However, staying active is essential to avoid winter weight gain. Walking and yoga can be perfect. When the temperatures dip and walking outside is not feasible, you can switch to prenatal yoga sessions. However, consult the gynaecologist before you take up any form of activity. 

Skin Care, A Must: During winters the skin tends to get dry and flaky. It also stretches due to weight gain making dryness intolerable. So, follow a skincare regimen and choose the products cautiously as they may affect the baby. Read the product labels and avoid the ones that have Retinoid (congenital disabilities), Tetracycline (discolour baby teeth), Phthalates (abnormal foetus development) and other toxic chemicals that can harm your baby.

During pregnancy, follow a simple skin care regime and use products made of natural ingredients. Even for stretch marks use products made of milk proteins, peptides and shea butter. Shampoos, body washes and lotions should be free from paraben, sulfates, artificial fragrances and other chemicals. All the products you opt for should be certified safe and natural.

Make winter pregnancy enjoyable with the above tips. You need to eat, drink and sleep right, and apply moisturisers and oils. It is not only what you eat, but also what you apply that can have an impact on your unborn baby. Make the right choices and have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

The writer is co-founder, MamaEarth