
Is pollution damaging your hair? Here is how to fix it

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Who doesn’t love to let loose their long, lustrous hair but the increasing pollution in the atmosphere shatters all such hopes. The heavy blanket of smoke, soot, acids and gases has been taking a toll on our lives leaving it exposed to multiple health hazards. The skin and the hair are usually the areas most prone to damage as these are most exposed to the increasing pollution.

Dr. Arvind Poswal, hair expert and hair transplant surgeon, tells us how to deal with these chemical pollutants that have been plaguing our lives and our hair: Make hat your companion: Hats not only look cool and fancy but they also protect your hair from the harsh effects of the augmented levels of pollution. Always ensure that you cover your hair and scalp with a hat or a scarf before you step out.

Hot oil therapy: Oiling provides nourishment and nutrition to your hair. This reduces the effects of the pollution and strengthen hair at its roots. Heat the oil before massaging it on your scalp and let it remain overnight for added benefits.

Home remedies to the rescue: Homemade hair masks can be very fruitful for your hair. Try the mix of vinegar, honey, yoghurt, eggs and strawberries. Leave the hair mask for about half-an-hour on your hair and the see the magic it does.

Hair sunscreen: The hair sunscreen provides a protective layer to your hair reinstating its shine and texture. This also shields the hair from UV rays and pollution. Hydrate and eat healthy: Consume plenty of juices, water, fresh fruits, yogurt, proteins and nuts. Your diet directly impacts the healthy hair growth, so it is important to keep a check on what you eat. Avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking.  

Go for Steam 
Try and go in for a steam after a hair wash. It opens the pores of your scalp and helps your hair get rid of any deep-rooted polluted particles. Also, condition your hair regularly.