
The magic behind the consumption of milk

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CHENNAI : Milk is that white potion which is the favourite source of Vitamin D and calcium in many households. Mothers and doctors often emphasise the need to follow a milk diet for children to develop strong bones and teeth. However, it is not just the young ones who need to watch out their calcium quotient, but women over 40 years and more also. Hypocalcemia, a calcium deficiency disorder is one of the growing concerns among women in their menopause stage. Hormonal changes, the decline in estrogen levels during menopause and developing emotional imbalance leads to faster thinning of the bones. This calls for a need to increase their milk intake so as to balance the calcium levels in the body. It is recommended to bring in this habit early in life. 

One of simplest ways to ensure a calcium-rich diet is by consuming dairy products (milk, cheese, curds etc). The intake of calcium through milk and dairy products is 32 per cent, while the intake through calcium-rich vegetables like spinach and broccoli is only five per cent. Dr. Meenakshi Narayanan, Vice President & Head, Research & Development, CavinKare Pvt. Ltd shares five ways in which women can get their calcium quotient by incorporating milk in their diet:

● Milk power: Gulping down a tall glass of milk in the morning and night is good for calcium fix. However, some of us do have an aversion towards directly consuming milk. In such cases, breakfast is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to experiment with milk. Give it a twist. Soak chia seeds in a glass of milk and add some tropical fruits. 
● Snack: The best way to satisfy one’s mid-day hunger pangs is to add rich calcium snack options like yoghurt. Yoghurts are rich in nutrients and are high in protein that in turn strengthens one’s immune system.
● Smoothies: Another great alternative for breakfast bowl is a glass of smoothie. Blended with the goodness of yogurt, milk and fruits, smoothies are one of the most powerful ways to refresh oneself in the morning. Smoothies with the right amount of yogurt and milk blends all the benefits and is a rich source of calcium.
● Beverages: Milk is indeed the best thirst quencher during hot, humid summer. With an array of beverages like milkshakes, flavoured milk, lassi and buttermilk to choose from, it is indeed the perfect summer drink. 
● Cheese it up: Cheese is definitely one of the most delicious ways of consuming dairy products. Can anyone ever say ‘no’ to cheese? From grated Cheddar cheese on crackers to paneer (cottage cheese) cubes in gravies, the list is endless.

Calcium intake
The intake of calcium through milk and dairy products like milk, cheese, paneer and curds is 32 per cent, while the intake through calcium-and protein rich vegetables like spinach and broccoli is only five per cent.