
Stretch your sides to warm up

Anshu Vyas Seetharaman Garudasan

CHENNAI: In Sanskrit, Trikonasana translates as triangle pose which is a simple version of Utthita Trikonasana that has a wider stance. This pose can be used for stretching your sides as part of a warm-up.


Stand in Tadasana (upright mountain pose) and jump with your feet about two and a half to three feet apart. Then turn your right foot out clockwise to 90 degrees to the right and left foot clockwise to 30 degrees so that your right kneecap faces right but your pelvis and chest face forward.

Now inhale and raise your arms to the shoulder level, palms facing down and exhale looking at your right hand. Then allow your arms to stretch to the sides without bending your knees.

Bend to the right so that your right-hand touches your right shin, ankle or the floor behind your ankle.

Allow your left arm to move up and your left fingers to point to the ceiling. Bring the left upper arm as close to the ear as possible.

Finally, look up at your left fingers. The chest is open. This pose will give a nice stretch to the left side of your waist and torso and a contraction to the right. Keep your leg muscles taut to hold up the pose and maintain it for a few breathing cycles.

Exhale and come up with an inhalation. When coming out of the pose bend your right knee. This helps to prevent knee and back injury. Switch the feet and repeat on the other side substituting left for right. Realign your feet parallel to each other and step or jump back to the center.


This asana tones the waist and hip and also strengthen the lower back, ankles and calves. It helps to cure weakness in the legs by equalizing strength in both legs. Also, it is good for your sides, neck and chest.

AnshuVyas Seetharaman is a fitness and yoga trainer at Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru