
Limit use of cellphones to prevent chances of contracting skin diseases, says Shahnaz Husain

Shahnaz Husain

Communication is one of the greatest developments that has impacted modern life. Today, we cannot live without computers, laptops and of course, our mobile phones, which seem to have become an extension of our bodies.

However, the constant usage of mobile phones and its effects have been a cause of concern for quite sometime now.

A number of studies have spoken about the harmful effects the electromagnetic rays emitted by these electronic gadgets have on our body.

The skin also receives a great deal of radiation through mobile phones.

In fact, there are fears that the incidence of skin diseases and contact dermatitis may be increasing.

Experts also fear that the increasing use of mobile phones and long durations of calls may increase headaches, sleep disturbances, fatigue and so on.

Doctors believe that the constant squinting to read messages on the phone, particularly those written in small font sizes, can also result in development of premature lines on the forehead and crow’s feet at the outer corners of the eyes.

Such problems mean that we need to take regular care of the area around eyes and the skin so as to keep these premature visible signs of ageing at bay.  

It is said that exposure to the heat exuded by mobile phones on the side of the face, radiation and the blue light can lead to dark spots or patches on the skin. Cell phones are also known to lead to acne or aggravate an acne condition because they contain germs.

If you have dandruff, the flakes from the hairline can be conveyed to the side of the face, leading to pimples. 

So, what’s the way out. Ideally, one should decrease the usage of cell phones and duration of calls. As far as possible, use a landline else use a “hands-free” device like a blue tooth or earphones to limit the damage.

You must also clean your phone daily. Those with oily or acne-prone skin must regularly wipe their face with an astringent lotion and cotton wool to reduce oil.