
Is your body feeling sluggish this month?

Deepika Rathod

Winters are approaching and this is taking a toll on our immune function as well as digestion. Many cases of indigestion, fever, cold and cough have been observed recently, as the weather gets worse.

What extra steps should we take to keep our immune function in check, so that we don’t fall ill so often? Or even if we fall ill, we should be able to tackle it well and bounce back to good health.

All the answers actually lie within your own body and gut – the more healthy and clean you eat, the more your immune function will be given a boost. We are almost entering winter, and it not only changes the weather, but also changes our body’s digestion. One might have noticed that during wintertime, digestion becomes sluggish, and we feel more heavy and bloated.

These changes have a bad effect on our body, which also leads to weight gain particularly, and the detoxification process slows down as well. 

Let’s follow a few tips to prepare our bodies and immune functions to fight the winter blues:

■ Vegetables and fruits you get especially in winters like carrots, knolkhol, green peas, oranges and custard apples are highly nutritious. They also protect our bodies from cold, cough and flu diseases because of their anti-oxidant properties.

■ Green tea, as well as matcha green tea, has a lot of antioxidants, which helps our body reduce oxidative stress and effects of many bacteria, which in turn increases our immunity.

■ Garlic and onion in the winter have a very good effect on the body. They both provide energy and improve immunity, which helps us combat various allergies. They also have glucosinolates, which fights cellular abnormalities to keep our health in check.

■ Green leafy veggies are a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, K and many other important minerals, which are beneficial for our health. Green vegetables are also rich in calcium, which supports the bones, keeping them dense and healthy, especially during the winters, when we need to take extra care of our bones.

■ Fruits such as oranges and grapes contain vitamins and minerals that nourish our skin and make it look hydrated and healthy. These fibre-rich fruits help reduce cholesterol as well as increase metabolic activity. Plus, they keep one’s gut health in check, by reducing constipation.

■ Grains and pulses are a must in winters because they fuel one’s body to combat the winter blues and chilly weather. They are a good source of protein and energy, which helps us stay active throughout the day.

■ Dates and sesame are warm in nature, and come highly recommended during wintertime. They are a good source of fibre, iron, magnesium, calcium and vitamins (C and B3), plus a good source of energy as well. These ingredients will keep your body warm, and improve metabolism.

■ Include various herbs and spices in your diet, as they are high in anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and immunity-boosting ingredients. They will help you fight a cold or cough.

■ Water is really important during winter, because we don’t sweat or feel thirsty, and often tend to lose our overall water intake. However, body functions are still on, which requires the regular amount of water to perform at its best. We get dehydrated, but the symptoms aren’t visible, so we may forget to drink water. This is another cause for sluggish digestion and metabolism.

Keep a check on your lifestyle and don’t interrupt your workout schedule. At the very least, keep up with your walks. Stay active to stay healthy!