
Holy and hearty

Deepika Rathod

Happy Ganesha! This seems like the perfect time to ask, what is the favourite sweet of Ganesha? Yes, it’s modak and I just love it.

But I have come across a few people who have stopped consuming the prasad saying that they will put on weight.

Does that one steamed rice modak made with jaggery do so much harm? Not at all! Unless not had in moderation.

Weight loss is not only about what you eat and what workout you do. Here are a few things that you can work on when it comes to losing weight:

When you skip a meal, your body starts producing more digestive acids, further sinking your metabolism and sapping your strength.

So the body will hold on to the fat and not make you lose weight.

If your hydration falls then the body will not be able to eliminate toxins out of your system. Less water intake too can cause constipation, so add fibre in your meals and make sure you balance it with ample water.

Stay off​ aerated drinks as it may lead to weight gain by keeping the body highly acidic.
Eating out and taking refined carbs daily (sugar, maida, baked and processed goods, fried and junk food – the list is endless).

Check your alcohol intake and reduce or quit smoking as well. Stress is a big hurdle in your weight loss journey.

So to reduce stress, vitamin O is always handy. Oxygen doesn’t just suppress the cortisol, but it also helps burn fat better. Just deep breath and enjoy.

Try and get your 7-8 hours of sound sleep daily as it helps in the body’s cleansing and the recovery process.

Try and find what the root cause is for you, it may not have been listed here but just sit back and think and you’ll get your answer.

Deepika Rathod
The writer is a clinical nutritionist with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices