
Get, set, mango! The king of fruits is here

Deepika Rathod

With all the chaos around, it’s also a positive because we entering the scorching heat wherein we don’t feel like stepping out of our house to avoid heat, sweat, perspiration, sunburn, etc. The best part of summer, which I guess all of us enjoy and relish is... mango! And the king of fruits is now available in the fruit markets.

Many of us like mango so much that we think that we should avoid it because it’s loaded with sugar, or it can make you fat or increase your blood sugar levels that too because you are now home quarantined and can’t go out for activity. But a mango will not put you in this situation wherein your sugar levels spike after having it unless you are leading a bad lifestyle, which solely revolves around processed, packaged and junk food, less activity, less sleep and too much of stress.

Mango will not make anyone fat or make one gain weight unless they aren’t doing any form of activity. So,  instead of blaming a fruit or any particular food item, look into yourself – are you leading a healthy lifestyle and doing our bit to stay healthy?

So, reap the benefits of mango when they are in season, they are the richest source of Vitamin C, A, E, K and Vitamin B6 along with folate. Mango also provides calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and few powerful antioxidants like zeaxanthin, quercetin, astragalin and beta-carotene.

Health benefits

Mangoes are rich in fibre and it is the fibre that does not let the blood sugar level rise. Try to have handful of nuts or seeds along with it or post it so that the fibre and the protein in it do not allow the sugar levels to rise high.

As mangoes are rich in magnesium and potassium as well as low in sodium, they are naturally good for controlling blood pressure.

Mangoes are loaded with vitamin B6, which is essential for maintaining healthy brain function. Vitamin B6 and other B vitamins are vital for maintaining healthy brain neurotransmission, and also help in balancing mood as well as healthy sleep pattern.

Mangoes contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin, which works to filter out harmful blue light rays. Thus mangoes also play a protective role in eye health as well as protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration.

Mangoes contain good levels of Vitamin K, deficiency of which has been linked to a higher risk of bone fracture. Vitamin K is essential for building strong bones, preventing heart disease, blood clotting and is a crucial part of other bodily processes.

Mangoes are rich in pectin as well, which not only helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, but can also guard you against prostate cancer. A compound present in pectin combines with galectin 3, which is a protein that plays a strong part in all stages of cancer. Plus a high content of beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant,can help protect against cancer.

A special substance present in mango is Mangiferin that has an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory impact on the body. It can remove fatty acids from the liver.

There’s a lot more to this super healthy fruit, and the main reason for it to be grown in summers is that the B vitamins and various nutrients help us boost our immune system just before the rains to prevent us from frequent infections. So go ahead and enjoy your mango, but be sure to stick to moderation, and incorporate a handful of soaked mixed nuts with it, and maintain your health.