
Weight a minute, really?

Deepika Rathod

Many of you think that only exercise is enough to give you an attractive body and six-pack abs. But then you know only half the truth about getting that body in right shape. We should always remember that there are a lot of functions happening inside our body, which actually help in the reduction of fat and building muscles. For instance, one of the functions is the working of our hormones. When there’s a hormonal imbalance, it is difficult for the body to lose weight, or it can actually start storing more fat. The most important thing that can actually improve or ruin your hormonal balance is what you eat, post your workout. 

As I’ve always stressed, food is really important when it comes to having a healthy life and a great body. Most of you consume loads of sugar post-workout, which can be in the form of energy bars, protein shakes, sports or health drinks. Eating these items, which are high in sugar, post-workout, makes your body store fat, as it leads to hormonal changes in the body.

Excessive intake of sugar increases the production of somatostatin in the brain, and its production affects the pituitary gland, and reduces the production of two important hormones: Human growth hormone (HGH) and Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). 

Somatostatin is also secreted by the pancreas, which decreases insulin and gastrin production. These again are very important hormones to maintain digestive health. HGH helps in building muscle, ensuring lean mass and burning fat in the body, whereas, gastrin helps in digesting. If these hormones go for a toss, the body will not function properly. Excessive consumption of protein shakes can be the reason for you to feel tired, even after great workout as it creates a deficiency of TSH and HGH hormones. 

Better to avoid all these gimmicks, and stick to natural foods such as a sattu drink made in organic A2 milk, buttermilk or lemon water with raw-organic honey or jaggery, with pinch of rock salt. One can even go ahead with a meal, with a whole egg, to get a proper amino acid balance – that’s important for muscle gain. Let’s be mindful when it comes to losing weight and gaining muscle, so always read the labels before buying a product, to get a fair idea about the sugar content in any health food, supplement or drink.