
Bond with the band

Express News Service

You have probably given dumbbells, Swiss balls or foam rollers a shot, but it’s time to give the very versatile Theraband a go, says nutritionist, fitness and transformation coach Nupuur Patil. Handy and cost-effective, it is a great choice for healthy and safe training indoors.

Made from latex or non-latex, these tubes and bands are used for strength training exercises and physical therapy. It can be used by those wanting to build muscle resistance, an athlete and even those who are facing issues with functional mobility due to an injury. While its usage can reap benefits, the reverse can have inadequate effects.


Suitable for all ages
People of any age or fitness level can benefit from Therabands. They work your muscles like weights, making them contract to generate force to stabilise and control the desired movement.

Strengthening, toning and stretching
One can alter the speed of using the band and use it for any purpose.

Stronger bones
Therabands also help your bones build more cells and become denser, preventing conditions such as osteoporosis and back pain.

Aids injury recovery
Unlike weights, they do not apply equivalent pressure thereby keeping your joints safe. They are, in fact, a staple for those in rehabilitation.

Helps improve form
They can be used for assistance to help you improve the way you perform an exercise. For an instance, they can be used to get better at pull-ups or squats.

Therabands can make your workout fun. They can help with better posture, mindfulness, co-ordination and balance.


Always check the Theraband for tears or punctures before using it

Firmly secure your band under the feet, knees or hands

Once you build the resistance and are in motion, ensure you are holding the Theraband with neutral, straight wrists

Keep the product in your control rather than allowing it to control you

Make sure you use them in an area free from any obstruction


Over-elongating it than its limit can cause injury

Do not use a Theraband as a suspension while performing bodyweight training exercises

It should not be used as a substitute for the real exercise but should be used as additional

Beware of long sharp fingernails, watches, rings or bracelets