
Yoga, home remedies and a sound mind

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha

In this disastrous second wave, taking recourse to the natural way our ancestors lived – in complete harmony with the other elements of nature is the need of the hour, according to health industry experts. To begin with, say spiritualists, we must stop constantly talking about it. This is not some figment of my imagination, but the fact is wherever our thoughts go, the energy flows. Whatever we think of gets more power.

Adi mudra is the first position the hands of the
foetus can make inside the womb

“The whole world is talking about the pandemic, and thus giving it more power, unknowingly though,” says Jaspal Soni, Founder, Chananda Cultural Society, Kalkaji, New Delhi. “Please don’t take it as some flighty untruth, this has been proven by science too, through its experiments,” he informs. A number of spiritualists vouch for this. Major (retd) Dalbir Singh, who runs the spiritual group, Beings of Light, says, “This is a fact. The mind has great power. Whatever you set it on, it will manifest. All this talking about viruses has made it more powerful. It is time we focus our energies and thoughts on healing. And this is the first step towards recovery. Keep your mind occupied with things like: I am healthy, I am gaining health, I am happy.”

Once you have worked on your mind, get set to do things that are needed for your physical body. Noida-based Naturopath Bhupinder Sharma, Founder, JRP Foundation, gives us certain tips. His foremost tip is putting some raw mustard oil in the nostrils and ears. “Some two generations ago, every Indian used to do this,” he says. “Oiling the nose is good for health as it will not let any external particle stick in,” he says. Another tip he gives for removing viruses and increasing oxygen level is to take a piece of alum (phitkari), wash it and put it half a glass of water in a glass tumbler. Let it remain for 10-20 second and then drink that water. “If possible, try to suck in some of this water through your nose as well,” he says Massaging the wrists is a good way to increase the oxygen level, he says.    

A yog mudra that helps increase oxygen level is Adi Mudra, where the thumb is pressed on the inside of the palm and the fingers are closed around it, making a gentle fist. It is called the first mudra because it is the first position the hands of the foetus are capable of making inside the womb of the mother. It is used in the spiritual yoga practice to calm and quieten the mind and nervous system. Keeping hands in this mudra for 15 minutes at a go, increases the capacity of lungs and stimulates flow of oxygen.

Apart from medicines, one thing that all healthcare practitioners, across different pathies, stress on is doing gargles (thrice a day), inhaling stream (thrice a day) and drinking hot water with a juice of one lemon (once is enough), which they say, will surely help a patient sail through easily. Another way to increase your oxygen level is make a small potli of three camphor tablets, four-five pieces of cloves and half a spoon of Ajwain (carom seeds) with thin cotton cloth. And keep smelling it. It keeps your nasal passages clear, aids in breathing and increases oxygen.

Traditional cures
Apart from medicines, one thing that all healthcare practitioners, across different pathies, stress on is doing gargles (thrice a day), inhaling stream (thrice a day) and drinking hot water with a juice of one lemon (once is enough), which they say, will surely help a patient sail through easily. Another way to increase your oxygen level is make a small potli — of three camphor tablets, four-five pieces of cloves and half a spoon of Ajwain (carom seeds) — with thin cotton cloth. And keep smelling it. It keeps your nasal passages clear, aids in breathing and increases oxygen.