
How to kill the overthinking bug

Ravi Kumar Sardana

Thinking is good. But excessive thinking can make you sick. Also called analysis paralysis, this is a kind of chronic behaviour that entangles you in a loop of negative emotions, that come at you with great intensity. People often argue that they are simply ‘thinkers’ and deny having a problem. The main difference between a thinker and an overthinker is that the former knows when to stop thinking. 

You are a definite victim if you constantly brood about the past, feel miserable about the present, and worry about the future. Overthinkers will usually harbour resentment. This excessive thinking can erode your sanity and keep you awake at night. Your instincts don’t remain as sharp and your sense of  judgement becomes shaky. Overthinking leads to burnout and hampers creativity in the long-term. But it is not a lost cause. You can manage this behaviour by keeping a few things in mind. 

✥ Watch out for early signs. The sooner you take action, the better.
✥ Reiki healing can calm the mind and resolve buried emotional issues. 
✥ Exercising regularly helps as it cuts through the mental clutter. Simply breathe when you find yourself drifting away. Always bring yourself back to the present.
✥ Identify destructive thought patterns and replace them with constructive ones.
✥ Deal with the past. Confront it, reason with it, learn from it and finally let it go.
✥ No matter what, choose optimism. Even if it seems unrealistic, never mind. Focus on solutions.
✥ Take up a hobby and build focus through it.
✥ Hang out more with friends and family. Social connections are therapeutic.
✥ Meditate to slow down your thoughts. 

The author is a life coach, reiki healer and motivational speaker