
Five habits of highly effective people

Ayesha Singh

With increased work responsibilities, one may feel demotivated and lost. Delhi-based career coach Shivam Dayal shares novel ways to realign with your goals.

The trade-off Route
Stop thinking in terms of the economic value of a job. Sometimes the trade-offs between career, family and health are worth it. See what is most important to you.

WEED out derailers
Is it a lack of ambition, focus, and discipline? Are you gripped by self-doubt or apprehension? Identify and tackle them head-on. Do not let fear win.

Set Boundaries
No matter how committed you are to your work, you must have a cut-off time to recharge,
mentally and physically. Having a hobby helps.

Upskilling is a good way to hone your current skills and develop new expertise. The additional education will give you the confidence and resources to run up the professional ladder.

Avoid the goal-fog
Instead of setting many goals and getting lost in them, set one or two targets. Do something every day to get closer to them.