
Get rid of constipation for a better bowel movement

Luke Coutinho

Constipation is common, but isn’t normal. In ideal circumstances, we should poop within the first hour of waking up. If faecal waste is held on to for days, or even weeks, it becomes chronic and that is rather dangerous.

Why? You may ask.

When your body holds waste for longer than it should, it starts to rot. In extreme cases, it can possibly mutate genes, paving the way for inflammation in the gut, and the development of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Chronic constipation is also a common feature of cancer. When we look at the lifestyle history of a cancer patient, we notice that many have suffered from constipation since childhood or, at least, for as long as 10 to 20 years. This is a serious matter because if poop remains in the colon for a long, excess estrogen gets reabsorbed into our system, leading to the hormone’s dominance in the system.

This condition is also a leading cause of most estrogen-dependent cancers of the breast, uterus and ovaries, not to mention, the accumulation of belly fat, cysts, fibroids, painful menstrual cycles, infertility and endometriosis.

Constipation and fissures

Chronic constipation can lead to fissures in extreme cases. How? When we are constipated, we try to force poop out of our system. This push can create cuts and inflammation of the delicate lining of the anal canal, causing fissures. They’re painful and can bleed too when ruptured. That’s what makes it even more important to prevent constipation.

Get Rid of it

Laxatives are an easy solution, but make sure to take them judiciously. Some of the other solutions to ease constipation are:

Fibre and water balance: These go hand in hand. You cannot increase the intake of one without the other, else the problem can worsen. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and acts as a natural broom to sweep your colon. Add fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lentils, legumes, nuts and seeds to increase fibre in your diet. Aim for a 60-70 percent raw diet. Remember to have water all along. Wake up to at least a litre of water every morning, as this is an effective cure for constipation. It softens the stool and puts enough pressure on the colon to flush out the waste.

Get moving: When your body moves, your gut moves. Go for a walk, run, swim or engage in strength training exercises. Planks are good too. Exercise aids regular bowel movements by reducing the time your food takes to move through the large intestine. It keeps your digestive tract healthy. You can also try these three yoga asanas for constipation: Malasana/Garland Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana/Lord of the Fish Pose, Bhujangasana /Cobra Pose.

Squat it: Change the way you sit on the toilet to make the passing of stool easier. Very few people still use the Indian toilet where a full squat relaxes the puborectal muscle, allowing for complete evacuation. Having said that, what you can do now is lean back on the western commode with your feet raised
on a small footstool as this makes evacuation easier than sitting upright.

Handle your emotions better: Fear, worry, tension, anxiety, anger, resentment, haste and jealousy are emotions that affect the way our body functions, especially the gut and, in turn, bowel movements.
Home remedies: Here are some easy solutions from the kitchen to your aid.

✥ Add two tsp of psyllium husk or Isabgol to a glass of water and consume.
✥ Add one tbsp of Triphala powder to water and drink it before bed.
✥ Eat four to five soaked prunes or two tbsp black raisins or dried apricots with warm water, for two hours before bed.
✥ Soak ½ tsp of bishop’s weed or ajwain in hot water and drink it.
✥ Have 1 tbsp of castor oil before bed.

Coutinho practises in the field of Holistic Nutrition - Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, Founder of Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems