
Goodbye Premenstrual Syndrome: Six ways to get rid of the symptoms

Rachel Dammala

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) has been commonly misunderstood and misinterpreted by many. While it may or may not be accompanied by pain, it can worsen due to various factors. Bare Body Essentials co-founder Zeal Shah explains that PMS is a group of symptoms that occur in women, typically between ovulation and a period.

"Stomach cramps, terrible mood swings, bloating, backache, sore breasts and the list goes on. Some of us go through all of these at a time and symptoms may vary from mild for the lucky ones to very severe symptoms for the not so fortunate of us," says she.

Here are a few ways to deal with the torture, calmly.

Drink water

Water happens to be the magical remedy for most of our problems. Drinking lots of water helps manage the bloating and also helps with cramps.

Heat pad

Warm water bags or even heat pads definitely help relieve the cramps by relaxing the abdomen muscles and improving blood flow, giving you much-needed relief.

Power of herbs

Herbal decorations can come really handy to get the much-needed relief from these painful and mostly uncomfortable symptoms by balancing the hormones. Ayurvedic herbs like Ginseng, Gokshur and Fenugreek have proven to be very effective in helping with PMS symptoms.

Watch what you eat

As much as we're tempted to binge-eat, avoid fried, salty and sugary treats, because they can make the cramps and muscle pains worse by increasing inflammation and bloating.


Mild exercise or yoga may not seem like the right idea at the time, but these activities release the happy hormone called endorphins which helps relax your muscles and reduce pain.


One can never emphasise enough on the need to de-stress. Try deep breathing or meditation or do any of your go-to activities that help relieve stress.