
Decoding body’s signals

Luke Coutinho

Our bodies are incredible creations constantly working and trying to communicate with us. Every ache, discomfort and signal that we experience is our body’s way of telling us something important. The key is to listen carefully to these messages and decode them for a more fulfilling life. When we learn to interpret our body’s biofeedback, we can rise above chasing fad diets and cookie-cutter approaches, and instead find personalised answers and solutions to our health.

Here are some of the ways our body tries to communicate with us:

1. Hunger and Satiety: Recognising cues that our body gives to communicate its nutritional needs is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with food. Instead of mindlessly following societal norms of eating three meals a day with two snacks, we should listen to our body’s signals. Eat when truly hungry and stop when you feel full. This mindful approach helps us maintain a balanced and nourishing diet, giving our body the fuel it needs when required, allowing it to focus on digestion and elimination when not.

2. Headaches: They are our body’s way of alerting us that something is not right. It could be due to dehydration, lack of sleep, irregular meal patterns, excessive exposure to screens, or individual triggers like strong smells or loud noises. While taking a pain reliever might offer temporary relief, it is essential to address the root cause of the headache. By addressing the triggers, we can prevent headaches from becoming recurring issues.

3. Muscle Soreness and Frequent Injuries: Muscle soreness after a workout is natural, but if it becomes too frequent or lasting, it might be your body’s way of indicating that there is a problem. Pay attention to the intensity of your workouts, the amount of rest and recovery you provide your body, and whether your nutrition aligns with your physical activity. By tuning into your body’s messages, you can optimise your workout routine and reduce the risk of overexertion and injury.

4. Bad Breath: Oral health is a mirror of our overall well-being. Beyond the lack of good dental hygiene, bad breath may be linked to poor gut health, constipation, weak digestion, gut dysbiosis, oral thrush or candida overgrowth. Addressing these issues can not only improve your breath, but also overall health.

5. Sugar Cravings: Craving sweets occasionally is normal, but persistent and intense sugar urges may be your body’s way of telling you something. 

It could be a result of lack of sleep, dehydration (confusing thirst with hunger), emotional comfort-seeking, imbalanced meals with excessive carbs, nutrient deficiencies, or an overgrowth of harmful gut bacteria. By understanding the root cause, we can make better food choices and nourish our bodies appropriately.

No two individuals are the same, and our bodies will always provide feedback on what works and what does not. By understanding these signals, we can create a personalised approach to our health, promoting balance and fostering overall well-being. So, the next time your body speaks, pause and listen—it might be telling you exactly what you need for a healthier you.

Coutinho practises in the field of holistic nutrition, integrative and lifestyle medicine, and is the Founder of You Care - All About YOU