

Wanitha Ashok

I have a wedding coming up and want flat abs. Where do I start? 
Answer: There is no shortcut to weight-loss but you can begin by doing these exercises. 
Upper ab crunches

  • Lie down on your back with your knees bent with your hands stretched behind you. Keeping your lower back pressed onto the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, curling your upper body towards your knee.
  • Contract your abs as hard as you can as you lift yourself up and lower your back to starting position.    

Reverse Crunches

  •  Lie down on your back with knees bent, feet a few inches off the floor. You can either place your hands below your hips or behind your head.
  •  Slowly contract the abdomen by rotating the pelvis up and bringing your knees towards your rib cage. Focus on letting your abs do the work.
  •  Hold the position for 10 counts and then slowly lower your knees to the starting position.                  

Back Extensions

  •  Lie face down with your hands lightly cradling your head.
  •  Lift upper body off the ground a few inches, hold for 2-4 counts, and drop to starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times and remember to align your head and neck with your spine.
  •  Now, rest the upper body and work the lower body by lifting both feet off the ground while keeping legs straight. Hold for 2-4 counts, lower and repeat for 8-10 times.