
The miracles of crystal healing

Swahilya Shambhavi

As I prepare for an exclusive two-day workshop on crystal healing, Sphatika Shilpashala, I find myself blessed with the opportunity of holding crystals in my hand, talking about them and being with them. How delicate are they and how conscious! What a sacred energy it is to be around them and to share our presence with crystals! To think of it, we are surrounded by crystals in every inch of space — either of the soil or of water or our own cells which are nothing but fluid crystalline patterns.

Despite learning several healing therapies, including crystal healing, I still face difficulty communicating with the rational thinking world on how this works. All search on the Internet about these sacred healing arts with crystals have one or many standard lines — ‘not proved’, ‘not tested’, ‘scientifically not verified’, ‘placebo cures’,  and more defaming are words like ‘pseudo science’.

Well, please give me a break! When I see miracles work with the use of crystals for healing, I wonder if science and scientists should just stop saying, ‘not proved yet’ and go ahead to investigate and study it.

Here’s an example: Vimala (name changed) is a senior citizen undergoing dialysis for kidney failure. She was in hospital for 10 days and was brought home after being initiated to dialysis. Due to some reason or the other, an emergency situation would develop on the day prior to dialysis and she would have to be taken in an ambulance to get admitted in the hospital again.

Once taken to the emergency room, she would become her bright self again. After spending a couple of days in the hospital, she would be discharged, and the situation repeated the next week after she was taken back home. This puzzled even doctors and nobody seemed to have a clue about it.

“Let me give crystal healing a try,” I thought and when I began with scanning the root chakra — Muladhara — the person, who was unable to pass motion for two days, signalled for the bed pan. At the end of one session, she felt so confident that the next evening she was discharged never to be readmitted in a similar manner after that.

The doctors, who are professionally not expected to appreciate such efforts of treatment, said, “Oh yes, it is always good to try out anything you believe in!”

So it is a science. Yoga is a science. Crystal healing is a science. Pranic healing, reiki are sciences. Ayurveda is a science. If something becomes science and has been tested and proved successful for a considerable period of time, then 5,000 years is quite a long period.

There is a joke among MBBS students: Two friends introduce themselves as  Umapathy and Lakshmipathy. The third and fourth join and say, “Hey, I’m allopathy and he’s homeopathy”. Another comes by and says, “Whether you Pathys can save life or not, patients are dependent on Venkatachalapathy (meaning God)!” So if God saves, don’t doubt it. People, who are saved, don’t have a problem with that. Try to investigate how and give brains some work to do for its lifetime!   —Swahilya Shambhavi (www.swahilya.blogspot.com)