
Significance of the healer called silence

Swahilya Shambhavi

Silence is the greatest of healers. It is the best of all medicines. When I was mentioning to a group about total silence, one of my friends commented: “Total silence means blowing the funeral conch!” People have a wrong understanding of silence to mean death, and hence the expression deadly silence, graveyard silence etc.

That silence is only of the physical body. There is a battery within that runs this body and mind. This battery supports all the movements, words and thoughts that we express. Just like any other battery, this battery too switches off one day and that is what we call death. Unfortunately, even though the body dies, there is a noisy aspect of our being that we hardly recognise as an important part of our being. It makes tremendous noise all the time that we have got so used to it and can’t bear to live without it. Yes, it is the noise of our thoughts.

Watch your mind for even a few minutes and you see that it is on a non-stop analysis and interpretation spree. It keeps figuring out the meaning behind words and actions all the time. It interprets situations as it pleases. It forecasts and predicts. It goes back into worry or forward into anxiety. This hidden thing called your thoughts is never quiet. It is never still. That is its nature thought, always active, always mobile and always pretending to know it all. It speaks the language of fear because that is where it is rooted in.

One job goes and even when you may really need that time to relax and take a deep breath, being free of office routine, cranky bosses suffering from bi-polar disorders, insubordinate subordinates, gossiping colleagues who are constantly bothered about whether you will get a promotion or not, rather than their own interest—you are not seeing the joy of the moment. You are instead worried. Will I get another joy? What will I do for my next month’s food and clothing? What happens to all those people who are looking up to me because of my prestigious post?

Whatever happens in life, it is perfectly ok, because in the present moment all is really well. It is all fine always in the present moment. Lost your sleep, it is fine. Did not get anything to eat when you were hungry, it is fine. Everything that you need and truly desire is just on its way. The universe has no interest and is incapable of cheating you or making you suffer. So just relax—whatever happens, that is the best that can happen in this present moment. There is a joy in that silence of the moment. Relax in that silence —it can be a headache or fever, it can be a relationship breakdown, just remember that what happens this moment is the best that can ever happen to you. It heals like no other medicine. Acceptance brings quietude. Quietness makes you silent. Silence gives you strength and with strength is born wisdom to make the right choices.

—Swahilya Shambhavi  (swahilya.blogspot.com)