
The Call For Clarity

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

We know that we have many internal powers, which we  do not use nor have started utilizing to their full capacity. We don’t act with clarity most of the times because we cannot comprehend things properly. We face many obstacles and blockages in understanding ourselves. For example, how we eat a fruit depends on how we comprehend it. Some of us may want to cut the fruit, lay it on a platter and then have it. Some others may want to wash the fruit, cut and eat it; some may even eat without washing it. We are not discussing which is the right way. We are trying to understand how we are all structured internally. Our intellect, heart and soul are the three aspects which form our entire being. Connecting the three is the first challenge we are all facing, which is what is leading us to a state of confusion instead of fusion. We do not understand even simple things. This is creating disparity within us—a syndrome we are born with.

Today so much information is encoded within us such as about our forefathers, our past lives and more. We are completely confused. We are not sure how to react to people. So many people’s vibrations have rubbed on us and blended into our system. Due to our myriad interactions with the world, there is constant exchange of energy. We share different emotions and therefore we intermingle love, bonding, hatred, dislikes and so on. If we have darshans of enlightened beings, we remain calm and serene. However if we meet people with a negative attitude, those who think evil, who are always sad and dull, we feel discomfort that creeps into our system, after interacting with them. This too adds to our lack of clarity. Whereas enlightened beings always stay in a state of clarity. Even when they meet souls steeped in the darkness of ignorance, they remain unaffected by their negative energy. This is because their consciousness repulses negative energy. Through the synergy between the divine and the body, mind, intellect, heart and soul, they are protected by a natural shield that exists around them, which prevents negativity from invading their system.

However, we don’t have clarity in all the three aspects. Even a simple statement—“I Love God” is understood in different ways. In our brain, a divine force should be activated so that it prompts—“This is how you must do…. Avoid this….”. Once we sit for our sadhana through japa, the japa blows away the cloud that is blocking the sun of our soul. For instance if we chant the Devi Mantra, Devi Maa will draw out all the waste matter from within us. It can also be likened to replacing weak batteries in a phone. When our batteries of life are changed and internal blockages cleared, clean and pure energy will flow through our nerves. Then, pure divine energy of our consciousness flows into each and every pore of our being. This is where the divine connection and synergy between the three aspects of our being is established. This synergy helps us drive from the state of inertia to the state of action.